modify-modificar: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is modify? modify is modificar

What is modificar?

  • To change in form or character; alter.

    Canviar en forma o caràcter; alterar.

  • To make less extreme, severe, or strong: refused to modify her stand on the issue.

    Fer menys extrema, severa o forta: es va negar a modificar la seva postura sobre la qüestió.

  • Grammar To qualify or limit the meaning of. For example, summer modifies day in the phrase a summer day.

    Gramàtica per qualificar o limitar el significat de. Per exemple, l'estiu es modifica el dia a la frase un dia d'estiu.

  • Linguistics To change (a vowel) by umlaut.

    Lingüística Canviar (una vocal) per dièresi.

  • To be or become modified; change.

    Ser o convertir-se en modificar; canviar.

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