cartoon-dibuixos animats: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is cartoon? cartoon is dibuixos animats

What is dibuixos animats?

  • A drawing depicting a humorous situation, often accompanied by a caption.

    Un dibuix que representa una situació humorístic, sovint acompanyat d'una llegenda.

  • A drawing representing current public figures or issues symbolically and often satirically: a political cartoon.

    Un dibuix que representa figures públiques actuals o assumptes simbòlicament i sovint satírica: una caricatura política.

  • A preliminary sketch similar in size to the work, such as a fresco, that is to be copied from it.

    Un esbós preliminar similar en mida al treball, com ara un fresc, que és de-lo.

  • An animated cartoon.


  • A comic strip.

    Una tira còmica.

  • A ridiculously oversimplified or stereotypical representation: criticized the actor's portrayal of Jefferson as a historically inaccurate cartoon.

    Una representació ridículament simplista o estereotipades: criticat retrat de l'actor de Jefferson com a còmic històricament inexacte.

  • To draw a humorous or satirical representation of; caricature.

    Dibuixar una representació satíric o humorístic. caricatura.

  • To make humorous or satirical drawings.

    Per fer dibuixos satírics o humorístics.

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