bold-negreta: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is bold? bold is negreta

What is negreta?

  • Fearless and daring; courageous.

    Sense por i atreviment; Valent.

  • Requiring or exhibiting courage and bravery. See Synonyms at brave.

    Que requereixen o exhibeixen coratge i valentia. Veure sinònims a Brave.

  • Unduly forward and brazen; impudent: a bold, sassy child.

    Indegudament cap endavant i descarat; Impúplica: un nen audaç i sassy.

  • Clear and distinct to the eye; conspicuous: a bold handwriting.

    Clar i diferent a l'ull; conspicu: una escriptura audaç a mà.

  • Steep or abrupt in grade or terrain: bold cliffs.

    Escarpat o abrupte en grau o terreny: penya-segats audaços.

  • Printing Boldface.

    Impressió de Boldface.

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