semblar-it seem: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is semblar? semblar is it seem

What is it seem?

  • Mostrar una cosa o persona la mateixa aparença que una altra: disfressat d'aquesta manera, sembles un pallasso de veritat. sin:  parèixer

    Show you a thing or person the same appearance as another: disguised in this way, you look like a clown for real. Sin: they look

  • Tenir un aspecte determinat: aquesta casa sembla de joguina. sin:  aparentar

    Have a particular aspect: this House looks like toy. Sin: eating

  • Considerar una cosa com a probable, justa, veritable, convenient, etc.: em sembla que aquesta història tindrà un final feliç.

    Consider something as likely, fair, true, wise, etc.: it seems to me that this story will have a happy ending.

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