conté-contains: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is conté? conté is contains

What is contains?

  • Obra literària o relat oral que explica en prosa una història imaginària de manera breu: quan no exisitia la televisió la gent s'explicava contes a la vora del foc. sin:  rondalla

    Literary work or oral story that explains in prose imaginary story briefly: when exisitia not television people told stories around the fire. Sin: Fable

  • Relat fals o exagerat que es diu per enganyar algú, generalment per presumir, cridar l'atenció o excusar-se: per justificar que havia fet tard a la feina ens va explicar un conte increïble.

    False or exaggerated story that is said to cheat someone, usually to show off, to draw the attention or excuse yourself: to justify that he had made late for work told us an incredible story.

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