calces-panties: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is calces? calces is panties

What is panties?

  • Peça que cobria el peu i la cama adaptant-s'hi.

    Piece covering the foot and the leg adapting to it.

  • Mitja.


  • Part més alta del suro que es deixa a l'arbre en pelar-lo.

    Higher Part of the cork that is left in the tree when it is peated.

  • calces  Peça de roba interior femenina, de teixit suau, que cobreix des de la cintura fins als engonals. sin:  bragues,  calcetes

    Panties piece of feminine underwear, soft fabric, covering from the waist to the groins. Sin: bragues, chalcetes

  • Peça de vestir que se cenyeix al cos en la cintura i arriba fins als turmells cobrint cada cama per separat. sin:  pantalons

    Garment that is stick to the body at the waist and reaches the ankles covering each leg separately. Sin: Pants

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