adaptar-suit: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is adaptar? adaptar is suit

What is suit?

  • Ajustar, acomodar una cosa a una altra: adaptar un interruptor vell a un endoll modern; adaptar-se a les necessitats d'una persona gran.

    Adjust, accommodate one thing to another: adapt an old switch to a modern plug; adapt to the needs of an elderly person.

  • Preparar una cosa perquè faci una funció diferent de l'original: ha adaptat el motor del cotxe perquè pugui participar en competicions.

    Prepare something to perform a different function than the original: it has adapted the engine of the car so that it can participate in competitions.

  • Canviar una obra fent-la apta per a un altre públic, un altre mitjà o una altra tècnica: adaptar una obra de teatre al cinema.

    Change a play making it suitable for another audience, another medium or other technique: adapting a play to the cinema.

  • adaptar-se  Acomodar-se o ajustar-se a una situació o a un lloc diferent de l'habitual: els nens s'han adaptat molt bé a l'escola nova.

    adapting to accommodate or adjust to a different situation or place than usual: children have adapted very well to the new school.

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